Starting A Blog: My Experience

When I first started a blog, I had good intentions, so I guess that's what you need. Whether we do it for our readers, ourselves, or both, it's what we need to get a blog up and about and going. I started writing too and some people commended me of my writing style, which I thought was very weird. I've been blogging on since September 2012. I've also been trying to climb the social intricacies of the webosphere by creating for myself a Twitter, a Facebook page and even as far as a Linkedin page. I've only just Google Analytics-ed my blog and submitted it to various Search Engines for uhh.. maximum popularity? Anyway, I'm a self-learning, self-wounding blogger when it comes to these things. Google Search is my best friend and bloggers are friends of my best friend whom I like to acquaint myself with (or rather because I rely on them for making everything possible).

I'm obviously a healthcare-inclined person because I'm a nursing student and didn't go to the School for Web Savvies in order to achieve my so-called "web success" of FINALLY learning what SEO is, knowing what in the world 3pl benefits are, and tweaking with my layouts. I don't even buy books for this because :

   (1) I only read Young Adult, YA Fantasy and the likes 
   (2) I'm broke 
   (3) I know I'll get bored to the bones 
   (4) An internal  hemorrhage will occur since I don't know the internet jargon 
   (5) I'm busy [reading the Bible, my nursing textbooks, YA, and YA Fantasy books].

But I'm a living proof that even a person who's internet-knowledge deficit can still survive the bewildering savages of the webosphere. So take heart, my dear internet noob friends!  A 24,000 mile journey begins with a single step (though we're not literally going anywhere because we're glued to this chair).


  1. I started a blog about 5 years ago because I was bored lol. But it's different now. I want my thoughts to be heard now that I've got my own view on things. I'm an SEO article writer, but even I don't know how that thing works. I'm willing to learn and I have the time. The only problem is that I'm lazy :D It's refreshing to see people like you who actually try hard to attain something. :)

    1. I really dont know what a SEO writer is but thank you for calling me refreshing Shein (so you're not calling me refreshing directly, but hey--that's a silver lining!--the movie i just recently watched)

      well, i do hope you find the motivation to do it, whatever it is! and yeah, i hope i keep on learning, blogging is very very fun :D

  2. Aww so nice over-view . I've blogging since 2008 but I got blogspot in Niv 2012 . But it's been nice till now ;D
    Noor @ Noor's Place

    1. hey noor! blogging is wonderful! i hope it continues being nice for you! PLEASE DONT LEAVE ME! :DD

  3. Hi dear! Sorry I was only able to comment now and linked you. That's very commendable of you, teaching yourself the inner workings of the world wide web. I was pretty much the same when I started blogging back in 2003 or something (Oh gosh I feel ancient). I haven't tapped in SEO myself but I have been getting pay per post jobs. But my focus now is just simply when I can. I haven't been blogging as much as I would want because of "real" life. Well see you fellow Panda and more power to your blogging! :) Good luck!

      ahaha, anyway, I really do hope you find time to post more, yeah, albeit my wonderful "real" life, I dont think I can purposely stop sharing that real life with everyone. because I'm really chatty and yeaaah. hahaha this is my outlet! i have no clue what SEO means or does, so if I'm doing it, it's serendipitous (ahem, THE NEXT FLEMING?)

      anyway, thanks for dropping by ~ your layout is great! :DD



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